After promising to "clean up the swamp in Washington," Trump's short list of candidates is composed of politicians with a combined 150 years experience among them, several billionaires, and his son Donald Jr. Not oddly at all, almost all of these people campaigned for Trump. The "Outsider," to put it plainly, is indulging in political cronyism, and reneging on his promise to only appoint his staff and Cabinet from the private sector. No surprise there. Politicians --- and Trump is a politician, no matter what he says --- make campaign promises that they have no intention of keeping. Trump is no different.
So after appointing Reine Priebus --- the chairman of the Republican National Committee, and about as political as a person can get --- as his Chief of Staff, his next appointment, for his Senior Counsel, is Steve Bannon.
Yes, Steve Bannon who was the executive chairman of Breitbart, which is about two area codes to the right of John Birch.
Yes the Steve Bannon who has hated loudly against blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, and about every other minority and has recommended extreme methods as a means of achieving white supremacy.
Yes, the Steve Bannon whose Anti-Semitic views have been compared to those of Adolph Hitler.
Bannon, who perpetually looks as though he could use a haircut, a shave, and some cosmetic surgery, has radical views, and he doesn't recommend political correctness to achieve them.
The Hard Right is jubilant about Bannon's appointment. The OTHER 85% of the country --- the ones who don't hate everybody who isn't white --- is apoplectic about it. It appears obvious that Trump's grand plan is to implement every Conservative viewpoint as policy for his administration.
The problem with this for most people is that, besides the fact that the vast majority of Americans don't want an Ultra-Conservative government, installing one is going to drive the country even further apart than it already is. This country was created and nurtured by cooperation and by people working together. The last time we were at each other's throats was during the Civil War. To put that into perspective for today, the United States had more deaths in the Civil War than in any other war in our history, and the country was in a shambles when the war ended. While I doubt we'll have anything near that many deaths over the Trump Administration, we may well have a country in nearly as much of a mess, and possibly within months.
Mr. Trump doesn't seem to understand that "Make America Great Again" doesn't mean "Make America Great For My Supporters." One does not unite a country by installing Extremists in key Executive positions, pitting opposing factions against each other, and creating bitterness and resentment among the population.
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